Our Mission

Pakistan is producing more young people than jobs. If left unaddressed, this youth bulge has the potential to cause major unrests in the form of increased crime rates, violent extremism, political unrest.

In addition, according to the Pakistan Economic Survey of 2018, 1 out of every 4 people in Pakistan lives below the poverty line.
Hence, to a very large segment of the population of Pakistan, the idea of being self-sufficient seems like a faraway dream. Due to extreme financial hardship, coupled with multiple debts and an ever-deteriorating economy, many people who want to be self-reliant are never able to pull themselves out of the poverty quagmire. This is why we formed Ihsaas Trust.

To aid current employment generation trends, we are experimenting with new enterprise facilitation models that can pave the way for effective capital deployment and technical capacity building.

The word ‘ihsaas’ means to feel or be sensitive to what others are feeling; and this realization is precisely what brought together the founders of Ihsaas Trust. We not only want to feel what our fellow under-privileged brothers and sisters are feeling, we don’t just want to give them financial aid, but we want to go one step further and financially empower them so that they can become self-sufficient and provide for themselves and their families.