Zakat Or Sadaqa
If you’d like your Zakaat to find and help people truly in need for health or rations, feel free to contribute to Ihsaas Trust’s Zakaat or Sadaqa accounts. Our field officers visit households for all applicants and a committee decides on all eligible cases with a religious scholar vetting all cases before final disbursement. Granted, our process costs more money and time than other organizations but we feel that this is necessary to reach the right people.
We have a separate fund for the Trust’s operational expenditures hence, 100% of your contributions reach the poor
Contribute through
Bank Transfer
IBAN: PK77MEZN0001140100892552
Meezan Bank – Bahadarabad Branch
IBAN: PK72MEZN0001140100892545
Meezan Bank – Bahadarabad Branch
Donate Online

Expense Fund
The Ihsaas Trust is building institutional linkages in the health and education landscape while engendering innovation to eliminate poverty through enterprise facilitation. This is not easy and it will definitely not be fast. However, we are confident that the team behind the progress till now will continue in the same direction and hopefully improve the lives of the underprivileged. If you would like to do the same, we would appreciate your support in making sure that the team’s livelihood is secure so that they can go out and create livelihoods (and all the support in between) for others.
You can make a one-time contribution or become a regular supporter of our work by directing your valuable and hard earned money to finance livelihoods for a team that’s trying to create livelihoods for those who desperately need them.
Contribute through
Bank Transfer
IBAN: PK13MEZN0001140100892540
Meezan Bank – Bahadarabad Branch
Donate Online
* A standard bank deduction of 3.3% + PKR 30 per transaction applies to all online contributions made to Ihsaas Trust.